Thursday, November 13, 2008

India: The Taj

All trips to India include a trip to the Taj Mahal.  Here are pictures with proof that I was  there too.
A tulip carving at the Taj.177
Precious jewels inset at the Taj165176

School...India Style







We stopped by a local school.  Just before we left, the kids sang the National Anthem of India for us.

India: The Roads

Watching traffic is an entertaining "event" in India.  First, you are never sure which type of  vehicle you will see on the can be a car, bicycle, truck, rickshaw, or someone just walking along the road.  An "organized chaos" is the best way I can describe it.
Anytime you pass anyone, trucks all "blow horn."
A bicycle that has been modified.
Qutub Minaret 030
Traffic jams. 

Friday, November 7, 2008

India: Pushkar ... The camel fair!

A look at the festival grounds.
Another view of the camels.
A decorated camel.
The camel I rode!
Ed on a galloping camel.036

India: Jaipur...The pink city

Jaipur is known as the pink city because of the color of the buildings in the old city.  The maharajah chose this color for all the buildings when they were preparing for Prince Albert's visit. 
314This is known as the Palace of Winds. It has 956 windows and niches.  This was built so the women could watch everyday life and processions of the city.   

A pink tower...315
One of the 7 city gates.
Homes above the city street.
The public library.
The city has the flavor and ambiance of the old times.  The downtown is jam packed with cars, rickshaws, bicycles, tuktuks, motorbike and carts with merchandise for sale. 

India: Trip to Jaipur/Samode Palace

The trucks in India are all painted with the drivers preference.  Nearly all of them say "blow horn."  This is not just a saying but how I would say was the most common sound we hear when we are on the road or even in your hotel.  I am going to try and get some video of the driving experience.  It is unbelievable!  It is a mixture of people walking, motorbikes, cows, camels, cars and trucks.  You add to all of one stays in their lane!  I found one sign that said, "Lane driving is safe driving."
This is the Samode Palace that is owned by the royal family of Jaipur.  It is now a hotel that you can stay at for only $800 per night!  That was not in the budget so we ate lunch there.
Our waiter.  The turban is 12 meters of cloth placed on his head.
A room in the palace...
A hallway decorated with lots of mirrors.
We went into the local town. It was so interesting.  These men are making bracelets from bamboo.  

The local fruit market.022
025 The local barber.
078 The market and cow.  Marigolds and sarees for sale.

India: Final Day in Delhi

Qutub Minaret 027
This temple (religion tbl = to be located) was built to represent the lotus flower.   The lotus flower is the national flower of India.
Qutub Minaret 025
Above is the India Gate.  This was built by the British to recognize the Indian solders that participated in World War I. 
Qutub Minaret 033
This is the inside of a typical Sikh temple that was near our hotel.  The Sikh's are the Indian faith that wear the turbans and make up 2% of the Indian population.   

Sunday, November 2, 2008

India - Delhi Day Two

Raj Ghat

No trip to India is complete without seeing the simple black marble momorial to Mahatmas Gandhi.  The Indians love an respect Ghandi. 


Qutub Minaret

The victory tower was built around 1190 AD. This was built to celebrate the defeat of the last Hindu kingdom in Dehli. Look how beautiful the carving is.

Qutub Minaret 006

Qutub Minaret 011

India - Delhi (November 1, 2008)

I arrived in India and it is living up to the land of contrasts -- very rich and very poor as well as very clean and very dirty.  India is 1.2 billion people strong. 

Jama Mosque & Red Fort

India is made up of 14% muslin.  This mosque is the largest mosque in India and the courtyard is capable of holding 25k devotees. 



Chandi Chowk

This is the main street in Old Delhi.  It is a bazaar--selling to retailers only--which is congested, color and chaos.  We took a rickshaw ride through the town. It was amazing!


I need to point out a few items ....


Saree's for sale.  Indian dresses for women!


FTB Friends--Look the Bates machines are in the windows!


A few bangles for sale!


A case study for the need for planning!  These are electrical wires.